Couple Anniversary

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tHis is thE stoRy bOut mA lifE syAhieRa_bAzilin is the owner

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

.: i'm not a loser :.

helow dear..

ermmmm dun have idea la na update ma blogger..hehehehe..
regarding ma title above...act i gewam la ngan "sowg neh" huhhh....mmg i asew cm nonsense la i na memperbesarkan isu i da mule rs na mencik "DIA"

haaa....agaknye mmg dye shuke kowt kat BF2 owg kan...helow gurl "i'm not a loser ok..but u are the loser..BITCH!!! go n find ur own luv laaa" ouhhh itu ajewk yg mampu i ckp lebeyh2 nanty membuwokkan owg la..

i bukan owg yg shuke membuwokkan owg tanpe sbb ok..skali i da MENCIK owg tu shampi bilew pown i akan MENCIK..!!!

haaa..soei to say...maybe agak kasar kan "IT'S A BITCH GIRL"