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tHis is thE stoRy bOut mA lifE syAhieRa_bAzilin is the owner

Sunday, March 21, 2010

.: finally Alice In Wonderland :.

helow bloggie...

ouhhh..finally i watch ALICE IN WONDERLAND..wanna thnx to ma B cuz sanggup bawak i p ngok muvee neh..heee...i merungut sgt na nengok usual la i ngan B i musty ngok midnight punye muvee..

act na ngok 3D punye but sume da terpaksa ajewk la ngok yg bese i tetap tyem 11.20...we're still got 3hour b4 muvee stat...ouhh wat to do yaa...firstly i ngan B pi mamam...bese la KFC..huhu..

da makanmakan masingmasing kenyang tataw pule na watpe..yela manyak masa ag ouhh...memule ingat na pi men bowling but cm xbesh ajewk..yela men berdua last decid pi jejalan jewk nek KENDERAAN AWAM=MONORAIL heee.. :P

act B i xshuke nek kenderaan awam neh..hukhukhuk..adew la tregedinye kenape..huuu...i ngan B i pong jd cm pelancong la...we all meli tiket pi balik ke ~KL SENTRAL-IMBI~ heeee....

sgt shonok juge jejalan men2 nek monorail neh..heee shampaikan B i ckp ouhhh ta puas pule nek monoraill..heeee :D

ouhhh stop la stowi bout i ngan B i jejalan neh..mmg xkn abih la...

berbalik ke TITLE i..ouhhh jam suda kul 11.20pm but seating melom open..ntah napew la delay beberapa minit..owg da wamai yg beratur...da 11.35pm bawu lewww open...i as usual la cm xsaba2 nak ngok i ngan b i opcoz laa belakang skax :X

wahhh sgt teruja la ngok cter neh..menarik n sgtsgt besh ouhhh..wugi shape xnengok...suasana yg sgtsgtsgtsgt besh..

~this is were the WONDERLAND begin~
~mereka berdua sgt chumel~

~white queen~
adeq red queen yg BAEK HATI

~red queen~
kaka white queen yg KEJAM


this muvee sgt besh ouhh...kalo lew i yg jd ALICE..hukhuk

~pengarah n produser ALICE~
hakhak sgtsgt pewasan

this pis was snap @ KL CENTRAL monorail stesen
saje shukeshuke weeeeee