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tHis is thE stoRy bOut mA lifE syAhieRa_bAzilin is the owner

Monday, April 2, 2012

.: wordless MONDAY - 1st entry for APRIL"12 :.


Salam isnin n welcome April..cepat sungguh masa berlalu..terasa seperti baru jewk masuk tahun 2012 kan tapi sekarang da pun bulan APRIL..haihhh banyak benda na kena pikir neh..harap2 segala apew yg dirancang berjalan dgn lancar n semoga dipermudahkan n diredhai oleh-NYA..insyaallah..

Okehh tatau mau popet2 apew lagi sbb ngah koje tapi sempat2 jewk ȋ na mengupdate blog..hehehe jom sambung buat kerja nanty boss marah xD

Tata ;)
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

.: ohh Snowie Baby :.

Assalamualaikum shume ^_~

Heyy uollsss..mySnowieBaby dpt cover seat baru today.. Hehehe myB nak sgtsgt last dpt jugak tukar "leather seat" utk snowie baby..lepas neh tatau apew lagi myB mau buat dekat SnowieBaby hukhuk..ta kesah as long as we happy together yaa B ;)

.: hangout wif myB :.

Assalamualaikum shume ^_~

Hari neh me n myB as usual laahh kan akan keluar berdating berduaan di hari sabtu *padahal hari2 pom jumpe* plan mau nengok muvee cite "mirror mirror" but so sad last layan jewk lahh muvee "jangan pandang-pandang".. Setakat boleh tergelak2 jewk la nengok cite neh..tatau apew motif cite nehh..erghhhh..after muvee g mamam wif myB at "The Castle Restaurant, Kg Baru"..yess ȋ"m HAPPY~

Tenkiu so much B buat ayg happy..happy..dan terus happy..oppsss..terlebey suda hukhuk..okehh lahh mau tdow..nunyte peeps..lots of ♥ syahiera_bazilin

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.