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tHis is thE stoRy bOut mA lifE syAhieRa_bAzilin is the owner

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

.: birthday present from Him ♥ :.

Assalamualaikum ;)

Tenkiu so much En Ahmad Bazilin for the birthday present n make my dream come true..hehe..acely mmg ȋ nak kan adiah neh sbg suprise for my birthday dan ternyata myB memenuhinya..sayang ketat2 ngan B.. Seyesly mmg ȋ happy n hargai u En Ahmad Bazilin Bin Ahmad Khashim ♥. :)

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Monday, July 30, 2012

.: happy moment :.

Assalamualaikum shume ;)

Today mau share sikit happy moment for me..on 29th July 2012 me n Fira da plan mau celebrate ours birthday together..ȋ anggap ini sbg 5 in 1 tau nape? Sbbnye sempena iftar, my birthday (28/7), fira birthday (25/7), myB dpt keje baru & fira_epul kawen..hehe so cukup kan 5 in 1 celebration..

Me n fira decide mau celebrate @ Garden, The Curve Damansara..tyme otw na kesana as usual la myB akan amik ȋ dekat umah..masuk jewk kete myB pun ckp 'syg tlg amik kotak cop kat bwh kusi' ȋ pom ckp "mane ade kotak" sambil2 ȋ bebel n tgn mencari2 kotak kat bwh kusi ȋ tetibe dpt amik kotak tue..dgn reaksi ȋ yg suprise n muke b ȋ selamba dgn senyuman die upenye kotak tue birthday present for me tertulis 'happy birthday sayang' aiyooo ye2 jewk suh amik kotak cop =.= b memey suke suprise camtue..tapi tape ȋ loike ur suprise..perasaan tertanya2 apekah adiah itu..ȋ ta bukak cume mampu tersenyum n ketawa..b ȋ hanya ckp 'sorry adiah ta seberapa sbb kete bru eksiden' for me its okeh at least adew jugak hadiah n suprise kan..

Okehh stop cte sal suprise tue..lebih kurang kul 630 kami smpi The Curve n terus menuju ke destinasi..smpi Garden duduk kat table n order2 tanpa dirancang epul ajak nengok ms yg adew sebelum waktu berbuke kami sume g meli tiket wayang cte 'Batman' n jalan2 cuci mate smbil mmg mencemburui kami n jam dah pun menjukkan pukul kami sume pom pegi lahh balik Garden utk hampa makanan ta smpi2..sementara nunggu makanan smpi tue me n fira masing2 bukak adiah..

Dgn perasaan ingin tau n seronok bukak adiah rupenye adiah tue "polaroid instanx mini" yg ȋ nak sgtsgtsgt as suprise for my birthday present..tyme tue mmg sonok sgt bile dpt adiah neh..hehehe

Bile makanan da smpi kami pom berbuke pose la sesame.. Makan sambil berborak n gelak2..mmg sonok sgt rs tyme tue..lepas makan sume kami terus g wayang cuz show time da smpi..nengok cte Batman..adalah dekat 3 jam cte neh..for me cte neh not bad lah..hehehe..da abih nengok wyg kami sume terus balik taded kemanae2 sbb da lewat n masing2 pun keje pg..ade jugak insiden yg kelakar na carik parking tyme balik tue..hahaha..biarlah hanya kami berempat yg tau hhehehhehehe..

To my dear 'tenkiu so much B cuz penuhi impian birthday ayg tahun neh sbb na sgt polaroid tue as birthday u" hehehehe :')

To Fira_Epul..tenkiu for the cake n the "present" hehehe.. Fira hope ko suke hadiah dr aku yg ta seberapa tyme we plan utk celebrate sesame lagi ye ;)

Okeh lah..tenkiu sudi singgah blog n bc..sorry no picture at this moment cuz just update using myHeartBerryB..

♥ Love, Syahiera_Bazilin ♥

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.