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Friday, November 23, 2012

.: tatau na kate ape :.

Assalamualaikum and salam Jumaat ;)

Hope hari neh kite sume lebih diberkati dan sentiasa dilindungi oleh-NYA..mau berkongsi rs happy sikit kat blog neh..kalau dulu owes jewk update but now da jarang2 genaplah seminggu ȋ memiliki novel Adam Dan Hawa..ape kaitannye ye dgn rs happy n title ȋ kat atas nuh..

Acely novel Adam Dan Hawa tue da lame pun tp ȋ baru jewk na bc itupun sbb da "addict" dgn drama Adam dan Hawa lakonan Aaron Aziz as Adam Mukhriz n NadiaNissa as Ain Hawani..n sememangnye ramai yg suke nengok drama neh kan..

Okeh back to the point..mmg ȋ nak sgt beli novel neh since ‎​✗ sabar na tau ape akan jd for the next episode.. As usual la if ȋ want sumthing mesty akan diupdate Twitter n Facebook n BBM..hehehe..dan seperti biasa jugak akan bgtau myDear B keinginan ȋ na beli novel neh..daaaannn..tanpa disangka2 time balik keje last Friday ȋ msuk kete B n ȋ nmp novel neh atas dashboard. Rupenye after ȋ bbm B..B ȋ pegy bookstore utk cr n beli novel neh..seyes sgt terharu n happy smpi tatau na kate ape..b ȋ owes like to suprise me n make my dreams came true..if can mmg na beli yg limited edition punye novel neh but b da melikan ȋ tetap happy..rely appreciate it :)

Okeh lah..since update neh time keje so update smpi sini jewk..tenkiu all for reading..xoxo Syahiera_Bazilin

*p/s : semalam da abih bc pun novel..n ‎​✗ sabar na nengok happy ending drama Adam Dan Hawa..kalo ikotkan within 1day leh abih bc tp since lik keje rs penat so take 6 days for me utk abihkan bc..hehehe ;)

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