Couple Anniversary

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers
tHis is thE stoRy bOut mA lifE syAhieRa_bAzilin is the owner

Sunday, March 4, 2012

.: bufday myB :.

assalamualaikum dan selamat berhari minggu buat shume readers & followers..

maaf sebab mmg agak lame ta mengupdate dan menconteng2 kat blog neg..buat ms sekarang mmg agak "MALAS" sikit mau update..hari neh nak bercerite sikit pasal bufday boy..acely i shud update on 20 february 2012..but tatau lahh taded mood na update..sebab utama adew mslh MASA & PENAT utk on9..salu pon on9 via myHeartBerry jewk...mcm neh la hidup if da berkerja..okeh back to the main...

firstly happy birthday to myB on 20th february 2012 *da wishh beliau pom at message..bbm..wall FB* kebetulan on his birthday i amik cuty..taded plan ape2 semuanya tanpa dirancang..if u all adew bc post i sebelum neh i penah cakap tatau mau buat suprise acane utk bufday myB..ceritenye begini acecece macam la menarik sgt kan..after settle sume keje i masa tue kebetulan myB on training for his new disebabkan i cuty mmg kena amik myB balik training la kan..terasa sedikit eksaited + takut utk drive tp berjaya jugep smpi ke destinasi n sementara nunggu myB balik i pom berjalan mencari sumthing for his bufday..on his big day that time i just belikan sekeping birthday card,,3 kuntum roses..1 slice chesse cake..alhamdulillah myB hargai n suke pemberian i..

disebabkan tyme bufday myB hr isnin so ta pegy la celebrate pape..TAPI we all kuar DATING berduaan on 25th february 2012 khas utk membeli present utk myB sambil2 nengok muvee ADNAN SEMPIT2 *venue one utama shopping centre damansara*..hehehe..sememangnye i rs happy sgtsgt walaupun tak mcm org lain yg mungkin akan celebrate "berparty2" long as me n myB owes happy together that enough for me..alhamdulillah~

* roses + birthday card + cheese cake *

* motif gamba na nunjuk dpt LOLIPOP besa
tyme dating cr present myB hehehe *

erkk smpi sini dulu update..adew byk kowt lg cerite yg na dikongsikan
ouhh yaaa ape yeee birthday present for myB,,hehehe
biarlahhh RAHSIAAA xD