Couple Anniversary

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tHis is thE stoRy bOut mA lifE syAhieRa_bAzilin is the owner

Sunday, April 1, 2012

.: hangout wif myB :.

Assalamualaikum shume ^_~

Hari neh me n myB as usual laahh kan akan keluar berdating berduaan di hari sabtu *padahal hari2 pom jumpe* plan mau nengok muvee cite "mirror mirror" but so sad last layan jewk lahh muvee "jangan pandang-pandang".. Setakat boleh tergelak2 jewk la nengok cite neh..tatau apew motif cite nehh..erghhhh..after muvee g mamam wif myB at "The Castle Restaurant, Kg Baru"..yess ȋ"m HAPPY~

Tenkiu so much B buat ayg happy..happy..dan terus happy..oppsss..terlebey suda hukhuk..okehh lahh mau tdow..nunyte peeps..lots of ♥ syahiera_bazilin

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