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tHis is thE stoRy bOut mA lifE syAhieRa_bAzilin is the owner

Sunday, November 20, 2011

.: muvee tyme :.

assalamualaikum shume ^_~

sekarang neh macam banyak plop cite2 besh ehh kat wayang..ahakz..dulu i salu jewk update blog tiap kali nengok wyg ngan myB..but skunk agak kurang update sbb lame ta nengok bru2 neh kembali aktif..hehehe...bermula dgn nengok cite "don't be afraid of the dark" lepas tue "the adventures of TINTIN" then "immortals"..insyaAllah taded pape halangan esok mau nengok "aku bukan tomboy" after that tak sabar sgtsgt mau nengok cite "OMBAK RINDU"..HEHEHEHE

okehbai..itu jewk na gtaw kat post kali neh sbb mcm lame ta update..takot bersawang..hahaha..papepom tenkiu bazir masa singgah blog i neh :)

lurv from me