Couple Anniversary

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tHis is thE stoRy bOut mA lifE syAhieRa_bAzilin is the owner

Thursday, September 2, 2010

.: new hair :.

halooo milooo...

yeahhh suda buat pong wambut bawu i..ermmm curly..ntah cemane la plak leh terpikir na uat wambut curly neh..ngadew2 ajewk..hohoho..yela wambut asik straight ajewk sekali sekala kan na berbentuk2..hahahaha...n at the same time hubby i pong wat wambut style :P

emm act cm ta shuke a plak wambut curly neh..terasa cm rimas pong adew...hommmm but its okek la wambut raya kan..adesss....mish ma straight hairr laaaa....uarghhhh (T_T)" n sgtsgt shuke ngan new hair n new style hubby i :))

adehhh ngadew2 tol la i neh kan..da elok2 wambut straight g wat curly..hohoho...pas ry maw pi straight kan alik wambut i..wanna back to ma normail hair..straight no bengkok2..lalalalala~~

* agak2 bilew ah dpt pi straight kan lik wambut i n back to normal neh..hukhuk *